About us

If you still wondering who is behind the ‘How to’ articles, you will be delighted to discover here some information on the team!

The name “Howie Do” directly comes from “How we do” to demonstrate – as a driver for our blog - the concept of daily interesting facts.
The idea of the website was born in the mind of six students from the West of Scotland who were keen to share with you exclusive tips that may be useful in your daily life.

We all came from different backgrounds, have different tastes and interests, and want to use our knowledge to provide delightful entertainment.

Anaïs, aged 20, comes from a sunny city of the south of France. She’s currently studying Business as a third year international student in Scotland. Her hobbies are mainly travelling, cooking, shopping, reading and hanging out with friends! She is also keen on watching romantic movies and TV shows.

 Beth is a twenty year old Scottish girl from the south side of Glasgow - a place called Giffnock. She currently studies Business in third year.  She’s passionate about cheerleading and dance and currently owns her own cheerleading dance school. She also particularly enjoys socialising, travelling and experiencing new places and meeting new people! Beth would love to pursue a career in business and hopefully in the future open a large successful business! She dreams to one day visit Australia.

Cenah – Turkish name pronounced “Jenna”– is a twenty one years old Scottish girl studying international marketing. In terms of career, she would like to make money from a job she enjoys. Her main hobbies include TRYING to get to the gym and listening hip hop and RnB music. She’s a huge fan of Michael Jackson, Jennifer Lopez and Beyoncé.  Her other passion is SHOPPING and especially loves to shop for dresses, shoes and handbags.

Natalie, aged 21, stays in the southside of Glasgow.  She currently works as a barmaid part time while studying international marketing. She enjoys going out clubbing, shopping and socialising with friends. She also takes pleasure in doing all creative things and meeting new people. In the future she hopes to travel around the world, experience different nationalities and see different countries. Her dream is to create a new invention which has never been seen before.

Peter, aged 24, is the only boy of the team. He comes from Czech Republic to study Business in Scotland and plans to graduate and find later a good paid job in public sector or government. 

His hobbies are bicycles, computers and photography and his dream would be to have a Finnish log cabin near forest, a peaceful and quiet place. He’s also the one who has always new experiments to offer in ‘How to’ articles.  

Sylvia, aged 20, is a French student in Business coming from the south of France. She’s fond of travelling, having international experiences and discovering new places and people. Her hobbies are music, books, cinema and fashion. She also enjoys sociology and psychology and its aspects among marketing.  She plans to pursue her studies in a Business School. Her dream would be to go round the world by boat.

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