Wednesday 20 March 2013

How To Get a Flat Stomach in 7 Days

Here are 5 easy steps to getting a nice, flat stomach in just 7 days:

  • Do exercises like push-ups, lunges and pull-ups by doing 15 repetitions in one set, and do one minute of jump rope in between these exercises. Doing this for 30 minutes or an hour will be very beneficial. Do this 2-3 times a week, it doesn’t only build muscle but it burns fat.
  • Work on your abdominal muscles 3 times a week. A good way to do this is doing 3 sets of 20 repetitions of leg raises and crunches; also, doing 4 sets of planks for 30 to 60 seconds will be a big help.
  • Natural foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grain breads and pastas, chicken, beef, fish and low fat dairy should replace processed foods full of sugar.
  • Lower you sodium intake to reduce water retention, so avoid salt!
  • Stress and Anxiety can cause an over product of a hormone called Cortisol which encourages weight gain in the belly area.  So relax !!


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