Wednesday 17 April 2013

How To feel confident ?

Confidence is a vital attribute to a happy life. Here are some tips on how to boost your self-confidence…

1. Recognise the things you are good at- your strengths and talents. Use these strengths as often as you can. By highlighting your excelling skills, looks, friendships, personality etc. will boost your confidence.
2.       Accept compliments gracefully
3.       Make a list of things that are obstacles to your confidence- this can remove them from your mind
4.       Dress to impress- wear clothes you feel good in. This will make you feel a million times better.
5.       Don't over-apologize
6.       Be thankful for what you have
7.       Smile- smiling can make you feel better! 
8.       Finally believe in yourself- you can do it! 

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