Saturday 6 April 2013

How To make the most out of your wardrobe?

If your wardrobe is full of clothes you’ve had since you were a kid or full of things you’ve never worn, these 9 steps will help you to makeover your wardrobe without spending loads of money:

1. Wear different colours – wearing a different colour everyday e.g. red on Monday, blue on Tuesday, and yellow on Wednesday etc. will make you search through your wardrobe for different clothes that you may have not worn in a long time.

2. First In/Last Out – “the majority of people wear 20% of their closet 80% of the time”. This strategy will stop you from wearing the same few items over and over again.

3. Write down what you wear – Write down what you wear and how you feel about it. It will help you identify which clothes you like more than others. This strategy is ideal for those who have a ton of clothing but feel like they haven’t yet hit upon a cohesive style.

4. Ask a friend – it sometimes just takes another opinion to help you decide what you like and what you don’t like.

5. Choose a ‘uniform’ – choosing some simple clothes that work for you and styling it up with different accessories is a good way to save money and not worry too much about your clothes.

6. Use magazines for inspiration and not for ‘spending manuals’ – magazines are a good source for information about fashion and what clothes are in at the moment. But don’t go and buy a top you like because it’s in a magazine, go home and find your top that is similar and wear that instead. You’re very likely to have a top of the same style in your wardrobe.

7. Downgrade your wardrobe – if you haven’t worn that nice, fancy dress that you bought over a year ago, you’re probably never going to wear it if you’re saving it for a special occasion. However, if you stop thinking about it as too fancy, you’re more likely to wear it. So downgrade it to a smart/casual dress rather than a ‘fancy’ dress.

8. Document your duds – If you have a few clothes which are very similar with little variations then make sure you wear all of them! A good way to do this is to take a photo of all of them and look through a photo album and decide which to wear that day.

9. Use the Gold Wardrobe Ratio - This is for people with cluttered wardrobes. For every three items in your wardrobe, get rid of two.  Once you have all of your essentials, you’ll probably find it hard to get rid of some of your clothes but it will be worth it.

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