Wednesday 3 April 2013

How To save money easily?

Here are some smart tips to save money!

Ever heard the phrase 'every penny counts'? Yes every penny does count so here are some top tips to save your pennies! 

1. Write a shopping list- by doing this you can cut out unnecessary buys which increases your shopping bill. It can also help you cut out unhealthy impulse buys

2. Sell your clutter on eBay- what you don't need may be use to someone else and can help you make some extra cash

3. Consider 'own brands' often for the essentials- milk, bread, pasta etc a supermarkets own brand is often just as good as pricey brand names.

4. Purchase large items such as furniture near the end of the month- shops often have sales targets to meet and are more likely to offer you a discount at the end of the month to reach their target

5. Shop around when purchasing phone contracts and insurance- compare prices and often by making a company aware of what you have been offered by a competing company can help you achieve the best deal

6. Don't always buy designer items- paying high prices for a brand name can be swapped with non branded items that are often identical replicates at a cheaper price

7. Cook with fresh ingredients- often cheaper than eating out and packaged meals

8. Purchase flights, train tickets and bus tickets in advance. This is often cheaper than on the day

9. Swap clothes with your friends- can save a fortune for a night out and has the same feeling as wearing a new outfit!

10. Finally, plan your finances- know exactly what you need to pay out that month and how much money you have to cover this and what is extra to spend and save. Live within your means- this avoids over spending!


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