Thursday 28 March 2013

How To eat clean to achieve your beach body !

No fitness goal is achievable without eating healthy. Combining exercise with eating clean will have fantastic results. Eating healthy will show from good skin and shiny hair to toned muscles !

1. Remove chemicals from your diet: avoid processed food which are high in salt, fat and nasty preservatives and swap to fresh home made dishes.

2. Eat lots of plants (any foods close to nature will cover it). This includes lots of fruit and vegetables !

3.Eat fresh meat that is whole and straight from the butcher, avoid pre packaged meats as you don't know what is in them.

4. Eat wholegrain (whole meal bread, rice, pasta etc..) and cut out white carbonates. 

5. Eat 6 small meals per day instead of 3 large to avoid snacking.

6. Read the labels of your food so you know what is really inside the product !

Enjoy a healthy lifestyle alongside eating clean and not only will you look fantastic you will feel fantastic too !

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