Tuesday 26 March 2013

How To make a good impression at your job interview

Some of you may be currently looking for a summer job ... and finally the big interview day is here ! Don't worry, here there some tips to guide and help you to get through this stressful moment:

Be on time
Plan to arrive few minutes earlier on the big interview day.  It will give you flexibility for possible delays on the way. Remember that someone you are meeting for the first time is not interested in your "good excuse" for running late, and yes, the first impression matters.

Present yourself appropriately
They say "A picture is worth a thousand words" and so the "picture" your first present says much about you. Keep in mind that the interviewer doesn't know you and your appearance is the first clue he/she has to go on/ so make sure to dress appropriatly;  wearing a suit or something less formal according to the company culture and the position you are seeking.

Practice non verbal communication
Use your body language to project appropriate confidence and self-assurance. Adopt a good posture, smile, make eye contact, greet with a firm handshake. Almost everyone have nervous habits such as touching his hair or playing with an accessories. By being aware of them, you can try to keep them in check and control them.

Be courteous and attentive 
Your interviewer deserves your best behaviour and manners:  be polite, attentive and it will help you to make a good first impression. Listen carefully and answer the actual job interview questions you've been asked.

Be yourself
Be yourself and not some idea of who you are supposed to be. Try to stay calm and confident, so the other person will feel more at ease, and you will have a solid foundation for making a great first impression.  You have been invited for interview because they believe you can do the job. Even if you don't tick all the boxes for the job criteria, it's just down to you on the day to show that your the appropriate person for the situation.  
Take care to answer the questions, stay focused on your goal and don't hesitate to ask for additional information - that demonstrates your interest too !

Be enthusiastic
Don't forget to breath and manage your adrenaline in a positive way using it as an energy that will make you succeed. Try to demonstrate that you are flexible and willing to take on responsibility and express your individuality appropriately within this context for example by showing where you've made things happen in the past that benefited your employers. Leave with a smile, a handshake and the same good energy you showed all along. It's the last impression they have of you ; so make it a positive one !

As the saying goes, "Smile and the world smiles too"


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