Wednesday 10 April 2013

How To do the splits?

Ever fancied improving your flexibility? Has doing the splits ever been a dream of yours? Well here are some easy stretches which will work your muscles in the correct places. By performing these stretches every day, in the long run, you can achieve the splits!

Begin your stretches gently as you do not want to over work your muscles as this can cause damage.  You can then build up the intensity as you become more flexible. Stretching is challenging but stick at it and you can achieve your splits goal. Never stretch to the point of pain. So here is what to do….

Kneeling lunge stretch:
1.       Begin kneeling on one leg ensuring your front knee doesn't extend over your toes
2.       Square your hips forward, and push your weight over to the front leg
3.       Hold this stretch for 20-30 seconds without bouncing and repeat 4-5 times

Reverse lunge stretch:
1.       From the previous kneeling lunge stretch push your weight backwards onto your back leg
2.       This should straighten up your front leg
3.       Slowly lower your upper body towards your straight leg, aim to press your forehead onto your thigh
4.       Use your hands for support, one at either side of your body
5.       Hold this stretch for 20-30 seconds without bouncing again and repeat 4-5 times

Single leg stretch
1.       Lie on your back and raise one leg into the air
2.       Keep your raised leg foot with pointed toes and extremely straight
3.       Let your lower leg can bend slightly and gently pull your raised leg toward your upper body- ensuring your back is still firmly on the ground
4.       Hold the stretch for 20-30 seconds and repeat 4-5 times

By completed these 3 stretching exercises daily you should aim to achieve the splits within a couple of months… best of luck!

Sources: Beth (Qualified cheerleading coach) 

1 comment:

  1. Wow, this is awesome ! Definitely going to try this out
