Thursday 11 April 2013

How To Lose a Guy in 10 Days?

If you want to lose a guy in 10 days, like Kate Hudson did with Matthew McConaughey, you can. Of course, they really did end up together after their ten days was up. It was only done for a magazine article anyway, so if you want to do this for real, then follow these steps. Remember, the easiest way to break up with someone is just to tell them "I don't want to be with you anymore." This requires a lot less effort, and is guaranteed to work

1-      Never say "I love you", "please", or "thank you". Don't discuss your future and constantly talk about other hot guys. Strut around in front of other men, really put it on right in front of him.

2-      Try avoiding his phone calls, e-mails, and instant messages. Have excuses ready like... "oh sorry I couldn't find my phone" - you know the one you keep at your side at all times around him

3-      When you do talk to him, have nothing to say. Have excited and vivid conversations with everyone else in the room. If you get a phone call, walk out of the room and let him sit there.

4-      Say you are busy, act busy like you have a lot of things to do, lots of errands to run, working late or different extra hours, come home extra late, or running late or whatever. Make him wait for you all of the time... never let him know when you will be anywhere near him.

5-      Try to pick every little detail and fight with him over it, insult him all of the time. Make sure you take full advantage of anything he does for you and then ignore him. Blame all fighting on him and act like you are so not involved with anything he has to say back.

6-      Pull excuses about work or a friend or running an extra errand than you forgot to do and that you have extra dishes and chores and more cooking to do, and if he asks to help you or clean for you or run your errands for you, let him do them and when they are done be really tired from your day and go to bed.

7-      Embarrass him in public. Talk terribly about him when in a group of friends. Don't over do this; it will make you look like that bad guy. Just one little under the surface insult will reap HUGE rewards later.

8-      Have more fun with your friends, family, boss, ANYONE than you do with him, and make sure he knows it.

9-      Avoid physical affection. This works best if you have been affectionate in the past with him. A man NEEDS physical attraction - it is what lets them feel emotionally close to a woman. Give lots of hugs, with pats on the back when they are leaving... just to keep them off guard.

10-   Most important - just make sure he can't fix anything for you, is always trying to change you, suffocating you one minute and then ignoring you the next. Make sure he is really convinced you are seeing someone behind his back, but then make him feel guilty for even mentioning it


-     Instead of avoiding and ignoring him, you could be very clingy, to the point where you're suffocating him. This could also make him dump you.

-    Sleeping with his best friend is a good way to hit the nail on the head, but be public about it. Basically, make sure his friend is a keeper.

-          He'll dump you like you wanted and he might seek some sweet revenge.
-          He might end up dating your best friend one day and that'll be really awkward.
-          DO NOT make his life a misery. It is known as tormenting and it is not a good thing

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