Friday 19 April 2013

How To make your day even sweeter ...

Here's a recipe that will teach you how to make Scotland's sweetest dessert - Tablet!
Important Note: For this recipe you will need a heavy based 4-pint sauce pan but if you have a larger one use that instead. The Scottish tablet reaches a rolling boil and sometimes if you have the heat even a fraction too high the mixture can swell up very quickly and boil over. So a bigger one would make it safer for you.
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 30 minutes
Total Time: 35 minutes

1 pint/500ml water
8oz/225g butter, chopped into pieces
4 lbs/1.8kg super fine/caster sugar
1lb/450g of condensed milk

1. Butter a 12" x 4"/30cm x 10cm or 7"/18cm square tin.
2. In your saucepan (see note above) heat the water to a low simmer then add the butter. Stir until melted. Add the sugar and stir until all the sugar has dissolved. Raise the heat to high and bring the sugar to a hard boil for 5 minutes (the mixture should boil really fiercely which helps to reduce the liquid and colour the mixture) stirring all the time to prevent the sugar from sticking and burning. If you have a thermometer take the temperature to 120°C/ 250°F (also known as hard ball stage in candy and toffee making).
3. Once the sugar is boiling, slowly add the condensed milk - TAKE CARE - the sugar is at a very high temperature and may splatter. Stir well then lower the heat and simmer for 20 mins. The mixture will bubble and resemble a moon crater, but don't be put off, keep cooking. The mixture will also start to slightly darken.
4. After twenty minutes or once the mixture is visibly thickened, remove the pan from the stove and beat the mixture vigorously for 5 - 10 mins, add any optional flavorings (see note below).
5. Pour into the greased pan and when the tablet is cool but still soft, cut into 1" squares - you can even put the pan in the freezer to make sure it is completely cold.
6. Wrap in greaseproof paper and store in an airtight tin.

Wednesday 17 April 2013

How To feel confident ?

Confidence is a vital attribute to a happy life. Here are some tips on how to boost your self-confidence…

1. Recognise the things you are good at- your strengths and talents. Use these strengths as often as you can. By highlighting your excelling skills, looks, friendships, personality etc. will boost your confidence.
2.       Accept compliments gracefully
3.       Make a list of things that are obstacles to your confidence- this can remove them from your mind
4.       Dress to impress- wear clothes you feel good in. This will make you feel a million times better.
5.       Don't over-apologize
6.       Be thankful for what you have
7.       Smile- smiling can make you feel better! 
8.       Finally believe in yourself- you can do it! 

Tuesday 16 April 2013

How To cook a lovely lasagne meal for the family ...


350g (12oz) lean minced beef (10% fat)
1 large onion, peeled and finely chopped
1 large clove garlic, peeled and crushed
1 Knorr Beef Stock Cube
600g canned chopped tomatoes
2–3 tbsps tomato purée
Handful of fresh chopped herbs, e.g. thyme, sage, oregano and rosemary
Good pinch freshly ground pepper
1 glass red wine (125ml)
175g (6oz) lasagne sheets

425ml (¾ pint) semi-skimmed milk
1 small onion and carrot
Bay leaf
2 tbsps Flora Cuisine
25g (1oz) flour
40g (1½oz) Parmesan cheese, grated

1. Preheat oven to moderate 170°C (fan assisted), 350°F, gas mark 4.
2. Place mince, onion and garlic in a pan and fry, stirring until the beef is browned.
3. Crumble in the Knorr cube and stir in. Add the tomatoes, tomato purée, herbs, pepper and wine. Bring to the boil and simmer for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally.
4. Meanwhile, cook the lasagne in boiling salted water for 10–15 minutes, until just soft. Drain and rinse in cold water.
5. For the sauce, bring the milk to the boil with the onion, carrot and bay leaf. Take off the heat and leave to infuse for 10–15 minutes. Strain the milk and place back in the pan with the Flora Cuisine and flour. Stirring constantly, bring to the boil and simmer for 2–3 minutes until thickened and smooth.
6. In an ovenproof dish, layer the meat mixture, lasagne and sauce ending with the sauce and sprinkle with the cheese.
7. Cook in preheated oven for 30–40 minutes.
Did you know?

Wasting this food costs the average household £480 a year, rising to £680 for a family with children, the equivalent of around £50 a month.


Sunday 14 April 2013

How To organize your university notes?

We all get a big pile of university notes by the end of the semester if they are not organised and you are then left searching frantically for specific notes. You should organise your university notes as soon as the take them, and here’s some way to organise them:

  1.  Use a separate file or folder for each subject
  2.   Use dividers to separate different subject areas
  3. Arrange your notes so that they are under headings or questions
  4. Number or label pages so you can put them back into the file more easily
  5. Use one notebook for one subject
  6. Use a card index file system

Saturday 13 April 2013

How To tie a tie?

Gentlemen, from time to time will come a day where we will have to draw a suit, shirt and tie curse. For those who don't know how to do it properly it might be a big problem.

We have too many knots of tie:

  • Windsor knot
  • Half Windsor knot – Manhattan
  • Four in Hand knot – Long
  • Pratt knot

Windsor knot is one of the most common knots in binding ties. On the following video you can see how to proceed. If you find it too quick, screencast is also available in picture.

Thursday 11 April 2013

How To Lose a Guy in 10 Days?

If you want to lose a guy in 10 days, like Kate Hudson did with Matthew McConaughey, you can. Of course, they really did end up together after their ten days was up. It was only done for a magazine article anyway, so if you want to do this for real, then follow these steps. Remember, the easiest way to break up with someone is just to tell them "I don't want to be with you anymore." This requires a lot less effort, and is guaranteed to work

1-      Never say "I love you", "please", or "thank you". Don't discuss your future and constantly talk about other hot guys. Strut around in front of other men, really put it on right in front of him.

2-      Try avoiding his phone calls, e-mails, and instant messages. Have excuses ready like... "oh sorry I couldn't find my phone" - you know the one you keep at your side at all times around him

3-      When you do talk to him, have nothing to say. Have excited and vivid conversations with everyone else in the room. If you get a phone call, walk out of the room and let him sit there.

4-      Say you are busy, act busy like you have a lot of things to do, lots of errands to run, working late or different extra hours, come home extra late, or running late or whatever. Make him wait for you all of the time... never let him know when you will be anywhere near him.

5-      Try to pick every little detail and fight with him over it, insult him all of the time. Make sure you take full advantage of anything he does for you and then ignore him. Blame all fighting on him and act like you are so not involved with anything he has to say back.

6-      Pull excuses about work or a friend or running an extra errand than you forgot to do and that you have extra dishes and chores and more cooking to do, and if he asks to help you or clean for you or run your errands for you, let him do them and when they are done be really tired from your day and go to bed.

7-      Embarrass him in public. Talk terribly about him when in a group of friends. Don't over do this; it will make you look like that bad guy. Just one little under the surface insult will reap HUGE rewards later.

8-      Have more fun with your friends, family, boss, ANYONE than you do with him, and make sure he knows it.

9-      Avoid physical affection. This works best if you have been affectionate in the past with him. A man NEEDS physical attraction - it is what lets them feel emotionally close to a woman. Give lots of hugs, with pats on the back when they are leaving... just to keep them off guard.

10-   Most important - just make sure he can't fix anything for you, is always trying to change you, suffocating you one minute and then ignoring you the next. Make sure he is really convinced you are seeing someone behind his back, but then make him feel guilty for even mentioning it


-     Instead of avoiding and ignoring him, you could be very clingy, to the point where you're suffocating him. This could also make him dump you.

-    Sleeping with his best friend is a good way to hit the nail on the head, but be public about it. Basically, make sure his friend is a keeper.

-          He'll dump you like you wanted and he might seek some sweet revenge.
-          He might end up dating your best friend one day and that'll be really awkward.
-          DO NOT make his life a misery. It is known as tormenting and it is not a good thing

Wednesday 10 April 2013

How To do the splits?

Ever fancied improving your flexibility? Has doing the splits ever been a dream of yours? Well here are some easy stretches which will work your muscles in the correct places. By performing these stretches every day, in the long run, you can achieve the splits!

Begin your stretches gently as you do not want to over work your muscles as this can cause damage.  You can then build up the intensity as you become more flexible. Stretching is challenging but stick at it and you can achieve your splits goal. Never stretch to the point of pain. So here is what to do….

Kneeling lunge stretch:
1.       Begin kneeling on one leg ensuring your front knee doesn't extend over your toes
2.       Square your hips forward, and push your weight over to the front leg
3.       Hold this stretch for 20-30 seconds without bouncing and repeat 4-5 times

Reverse lunge stretch:
1.       From the previous kneeling lunge stretch push your weight backwards onto your back leg
2.       This should straighten up your front leg
3.       Slowly lower your upper body towards your straight leg, aim to press your forehead onto your thigh
4.       Use your hands for support, one at either side of your body
5.       Hold this stretch for 20-30 seconds without bouncing again and repeat 4-5 times

Single leg stretch
1.       Lie on your back and raise one leg into the air
2.       Keep your raised leg foot with pointed toes and extremely straight
3.       Let your lower leg can bend slightly and gently pull your raised leg toward your upper body- ensuring your back is still firmly on the ground
4.       Hold the stretch for 20-30 seconds and repeat 4-5 times

By completed these 3 stretching exercises daily you should aim to achieve the splits within a couple of months… best of luck!

Sources: Beth (Qualified cheerleading coach)